"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania
4th International Conference of the Doctoral School
19-21 May, 2021, Iasi, Romania
Registration form, [Download here] (to be sent after Abstract acceptance)
The registration form will be sent to the email address of the secretariat member responsible for the section to which the paper is sent:
Cătălin Popa, PhD Student (Section 1) (adi-catalin.popa@student.tuiasi.ro)
Iolanda Fusteș-Dămoc, PhD Student (Section 2) (iolanda.fustes-damoc@student.tuiasi.ro)
Vasile Grosu, PhD Student (Section 3) (vasile.grosu@student.tuiasi.ro)
Mădălina Roman Nechifor, PhD Student (Section 4) (madalina.nechifor@student.tuiasi.ro)
Andrei Rățoi, PhD Student (Section 5) (andrei.ratoi@student.tuiasi.ro)
as well as to: doctorat@tuiasi.ro
Deadline: May 1st, 2021